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Koff Jouluolut (plastic bottle)

Koff Jouluolut (plastic bottle) bottle by Sinebrychoff
Country Finland
Bottle size 1 l.
Alc vol 4.6 %
Beer Style Tell us if you know! »
Beer name means Nikolai Sinebrychoff is the founder of brewery, Christmas beer.
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Comments Traditionally christmas beers are dark, strong and have a lots of body.
Nowadays it isnt so. These are just dark lagers with not so much taste.

This beer is a medium achievement in this genre, not bad but not great.

However, the brewery packed these into plastic bottles (the one liter version
only) so they dont seem to believe in this beer either.

The plastic bottle may however be a good choise for Finnish method to celebrate
christmas, which, as in case of every other celebration, is getting drunk.
You cant hurt yourself or anyone else by breaking this bottle.

Supplied by
Brewery Sinebrychoff
Brewery located in Kerava
Also from same brewery
1836 Classic Gourmet Tumma Ruokaolut
Birthday Bitter 179v
Bora Bora
Brewmaster's brown ale
Brewmaster's lager
Brewmasters Collection IPA
Fingerpori Bisse
Garage Hard Brew Ginger
Garage Hard Brew Orange Peel
Iso Karhu
Jouluolut IV Label 2009
Jouluolut Label 2009
Karhu Korpisavu
Karhu Ruis
Karhu Tosi Vahva
Karhu Tosi Vahva
Kesäolut Koff (drawn label) 1993
Kesäolut Koff (photograf label?)
Kesäolut Koff 1994
Koff (red label)
Koff 3 Label 2009
Koff Amber
Koff APA
Koff Export IV
Koff Extra Strong Export
Koff Extra Strong IVB
Koff Extra Strong IVB (new label)
Koff I
Koff I (New label)
Koff III
Koff III
Koff III (new red label)
Koff III 180 v.
Koff jouluolut
Koff Jouluolut
Koff Jouluolut (label 2000)
Koff Jouluolut (plastic bottle)
Koff Jouluolut 1997
Koff jouluolut IV
Koff kesäolut (äijä tuolilla)
Koff kesäolut (tyhjä tuoli)
Koff kesäolut (vene rannassa)
Koff kesäolut (vene vesillä)
Koff kesäolut (ylioppilas)
Koff kesäolut litran pullo
Koff Lite
Koff Plastic Bottle
Koff Red Lager
Koff Special III
Koff Special III
Koff Vahvempi Jouluolut 1997
Koff Velvet
Koff Velvet
Koff Vienti AIII
Koff Weizze
Krouvi Moniviljaolut
Kulkurin Kesäolut
Light Beer (label 1998)
Light Beer (label 2000)
Light Beer (Koff)
Musta Hevonen
Nikolai (label 2003)
Panimomestarin Nikolai Vuosiolut 2011
Panimomestarin Nikolai Vuosiolut 2012
Porin juhlaolut 150v
Porter (Koff)
Porter Koff (vuosikerta 1988)
Saxon III
Sinebrychoff 1.5 l juhlapullo
Sinebrychoff Pääsiäisolut
Suomen Olutmestarin Schwarz-Waizen
Two Tree Porter
Vihkiäisolut IVB
Weizen Dunkles bier
Winter Porter


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Random fact
Kitkan Viisas, Kuusamo
It's a local petname for a quite small let's say subspecies of a sweetwater fish found in Kitka or Kitkajärvi (free translation: Lake Kitka ... järvi means lake ) in Kuusamo Finland. The scientific name is Coregonus albula, and in English I think it's something like vendace or cisco. Kitkan Viisas (free translations: Kitka Wise, Wise of Kitka)) means that the fish has its own tricks and not just anybody can get a nice catch with one's very small-eyed net, seine or trawl. The fish is very small (a common characterization in Finnish is "neulamuikku",in English "needle vendace") and very good, at its best when it is heavily salted and becomes "stiff". A very traditional dish is to have some Kitkan Viisas to soften one's hangover, and of course some nice beer or springwater to wash the salty fish down.

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