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Samichlaus bottle by Hurlimann
Country Switzerland
Bottle size 0.25 l.
Alc vol 14 %
Beer Style Tell us if you know! »
Beer name means Samichlaus is the austrian / suisse word for Santa Claus (Thanks Pia and Markus)
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Comments According to Guinness book of records, this is strongest beer in the world.
Its not not, there are stronger beers like Samuel Adams Triple Bock.

Brewed only once in the year: On the day of the Santa Claus,December 6th of each year.
Gift from "">Heikki Putkonen

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Brewery Hurlimann
Brewery located in Tell us if you know! »
Also from same brewery


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Random fact
Kitkan Viisas, Kuusamo
It's a local petname for a quite small let's say subspecies of a sweetwater fish found in Kitka or Kitkajärvi (free translation: Lake Kitka ... järvi means lake ) in Kuusamo Finland. The scientific name is Coregonus albula, and in English I think it's something like vendace or cisco. Kitkan Viisas (free translations: Kitka Wise, Wise of Kitka)) means that the fish has its own tricks and not just anybody can get a nice catch with one's very small-eyed net, seine or trawl. The fish is very small (a common characterization in Finnish is "neulamuikku",in English "needle vendace") and very good, at its best when it is heavily salted and becomes "stiff". A very traditional dish is to have some Kitkan Viisas to soften one's hangover, and of course some nice beer or springwater to wash the salty fish down.

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