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Branicky Desitka

Branicky Desitka bottle by Pivoval Branik
Country Czech
Bottle size 0.5 l.
Alc vol 4 %
Beer Style Tell us if you know! »
Beer name means Desitka (ten) means the Plato degree of this beer, thus the beer name is The Ten (Plato degrees) Beer from Branik (Branicka is the adjective from Branik, correctly should be Branicka, not Branicky in the beer name, though the brewery is Branicky).
Actually Branicka is grammatically correct too. The ending of the adjectives depends on the name they refer to. In this example, desitka is feminin therefore branicka finishes with a. If you speak about the brewery then it is Branicky pivovar (masculin)_

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Comments From Blanko Excursio 94
Supplied by From Blanko Excursio 94
Brewery Pivoval Branik
Brewery located in Prague
Also from same brewery


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Random fact
Trois Pistoles
Trois Pistoles is a city of Québec. (Thanks francis) - The label on Unibroue's wickedly strong 9% dark ale Trois-Pistoles dramatises the feerie legend of the church of Trois-Pistoles, a 300-year-old village on the south shore of the Saint-Lawrence River. The label shows the church's three towering pillars looming against a fiery red sky and a powerful winged steed--- the Devil in the form of a black stallion. As Unibroue tells Legend of the Black Horse, the priest of Trois-Pistoles was desperate to finish the construction of the fifth parish church. In a moment of unholy despair, he asked the Devil to help transport the heavy stones for the church's foundation. The Devil answered the priest's prayers with a magical, tireless black stallion, who worked like blazes and moved all of the stones - all but one.

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