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Lahden Erikoisolut (label: 1995)

Lahden Erikoisolut (label: 1995) bottle by Hartwall
Country Finland
Bottle size 0.33 l.
Alc vol 4.3 %
Beer Style Lager
Beer name means City in Finland
Tell us more

The Beer

This beer is totally unbeliveable. In Finland the goal of breweries is
efficiency, not beer. The contents of this bottle was a perfect exmple
of the results of this priorization of goals!

New brewing processes that enable entire brewing to happen in matter of
days really takes it toll on Beer.

Tasting it

As is well known, people usually buy brand, not product. If you like the
image of some beer, you buy it and say that it is good. It would be healthy for
ones humility to blind-taste beers regularity, especially the beers you
. The results of the tasting are always surprising. It is somewhat
amusing to see the results of those people who say they like this beer, they
are always as shocked: "Does it really taste this bad??".

This Bottle

This actual bottle was hard to get. Not because acquiring it would have been
hard, no. It is sold in many shops actually, believe it or not. It was noted that
there is new label on this beer and thus it was understood that wed eventually
have to buy one for our collection. The problem was, that what ever the beer
is like, it should NOT be poured away, that is not a way to treat beer,
is it! Of course drinking it was out of question. Actually no-one voluteered.

So, one brave(?) member of KBS (EPS, actually) took as his duty to buy one
bottle of this, uh., product. To consume it, a hideous plot was constructed
unbeknown to unsuspecting KBSer, miikap, who just one day dropped by on
KBS, and was challenged with a test: what this beer tastes like? Can you guess
what it is?

He tasted it, and after a while stated that this must be alcoholfree beer!
"Huh? How come?", "Well this actually tastes like one Czech alcoholfree beer.
It must be alcoholfree because the chemicals that are used in the process of
taking the alcohol out can be tasted in this beer!"

Fair judgement, but after providing him this little snippet of information
that this is indeed at strength of Class III beer, he was baffled. He couldnt
think of anything. To help him, we also told him that this is actually
Finnish beer. "WHAT!??? Cant be. NO beer in Finland tastes as bad as this!".
Poor man. He couldnt suspect the worst. *sight* how trusting even the most
cynical can be sometimes.

After he had tasted the entire bottle trying to figure out what on earth
was this hideous liquid, there was no need to conceal the truth anymore,
our masterplan had already succeeded in emptying the bottle in decent manner.
With a little hint of wondering which might be the worst beer of Finland,
MiikaP finally reached the goal: "Lahden Erikoisolut of course, but.....
It cant be THIS bad!!!"

Showing him the bottle setteled that problem with one stroke. He sobbed that
he had actually seen that beer at the shop but had hoped that someone else
would buy and drink it, and still, while knowing this he hadnt
suspected anything. You cant trust even beer bottle collectors these days!
O tempora O mores!

As sadder, but wiser man, he sighted

Supplied by EPS
Brewery Hartwall
Brewery located in Tornio
Also from same brewery
All Malt
Aura III
Aura IVA
Aura Juhlapullo IVB
Classic 1836 Brown Ale
Hamburger Börs
Hartwall 1836 Classic
Hartwall 1836 Classic
Hartwall Classic III (label 2000)
Hartwall Dark Lager
Hartwall Jouluolut 1997
Hartwall Juhlakalja
Hartwall Oktoberfest
Hartwall Oktoberfest
Hartwall Oktoberfest IVA
Hartwall Pils
Hartwall Pils IVA
Hartwall Porter
Hartwall Roggenbier
Hartwall Roggenbier
Hartwall Talvi olut
Jouluolut Hartwall 1997
Jouluolut Koff
Jouluolut Lapinkulta
Karjala (Label 1998)
Karjala (label 2003)
Karjala (real old version)
Karjala 1 litra
Karjala I
Karjala I Mieto Olut
Karjala Ice-hockey World Championships 2003 Special Edition
Karjala III
Karjala III
Karjala III
Karjala III, (new label)
Karjala IVA (label 1998)
Karjala Juhlaolut (itsenäisyys)
Karjala Juhlaolut 1891-1991
Karjala Strong
Karjala Strong
Karjala Terva
Karjala Weizenfest
Karjala. Hämäläinen
Karjala. Helminen
Karjala. Jutila
Karjala. Kapanen
Karjala. Keskinen
Karjala. Kiprusoft
Karjala. Koivu
Karjala. Lehterä
Karjala. Lehtinen
Karjala. Lindström
Karjala. Myllys
Karjala. Nieminen
Karjala. Niinimaa
Karjala. Nummelin
Karjala. Ojanen
Karjala. Palo
Karjala. Peltonen
Karjala. Strömberg
Karjala. Sulander
Karjala. Summanen
Karjala. Tammi
Karjala. Törmänen
Karjala. Virta
Karjala. Ylönen
Kärppä Olut
Kesäolut Lahden
Kesäolut Lahden new label 1994
Lahden Erikois IPA
Lahden Erikois Kesä
Lahden Erikois light beer
Lahden Erikois Pils 2017
Lahden Erikois Strong Beer
Lahden Erikoisolut
Lahden Erikoisolut
Lahden Erikoisolut (label: 1995)
Lahden Erikoisolut (special edition)
Lahden Erikoisolut I
Lahden Erikoisolut III
Lahden Erikoisolut IVA
Lahden Ice Beer
Lahden Talvi Olut
Lahden Talviolut
Lapin Kulta (label 1995)
Lapin Kulta (old label)
Lapin Kulta 0.5
Lapin Kulta 1l
Lapin Kulta 2007
Lapin Kulta Arctic Malt Pils
Lapin Kulta Export
Lapin Kulta Export
Lapin Kulta I Mieto Olut
Lapin Kulta III perinteinen
Lapin kulta IV
Lapin Kulta Joulu
Lapin Kulta Jouluolut
Lapin Kulta Jouluolut
Lapin Kulta Jouluolut III
Lapin Kulta Juhla
Lapin Kulta Light
Lapin Kulta Luomu JouluOlut
Lapin Kulta Luomu Jouluolut
Lapin Kulta Premium
Lapin Kulta Premium (label 2000)
Lapin Kulta Strong Export
Lapin Kulta Strong IVB
Lapin Kulta Talvi
Lapin Kulta Talvi
Lapin Kulta Tuisku
Lapin Kulta Tuisku
Lapin Kulta Tumma Jouluolut
Lapin Kulta Tumma Jouluolut
Lapinkulta Juhlaolut 130v
Legenda 6
Legenda III
Polar Monkeys White Collar Golden Ale
Sininen (New label)
Sininen III
Sininen IV A
Spalter Pils
Trio Pils I
Tuborg Gold Label de luxe (little bottle)
Tuborg Grön


Pint glass


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