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Victoria Bitter

Victoria Bitter bottle by Carlton & United Breweries Ldt.
Country Australia
Bottle size 0.375 l.
Alc vol 4.9 %
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Beer name means Victoria is the name of the state/province in which this beer is produced. Bitter describes the finish. Victoria is one of the 6 states that make up Australia, probably named after Queen Victoria of England. The beer has been brewed in Abbotsford in Vic . Good advertising and distribution later, it is the most popular beer in Australia by a mile. Last year, Fosters Brewing Group made a total profit of about $450m, $220m of which was VB.
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Supplied by From our friend Sheldon from Australia
Brewery Carlton & United Breweries Ldt.
Brewery located in Collingwood
Also from same brewery


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Random fact
Trois Pistoles
Trois Pistoles is a city of Québec. (Thanks francis) - The label on Unibroue's wickedly strong 9% dark ale Trois-Pistoles dramatises the feerie legend of the church of Trois-Pistoles, a 300-year-old village on the south shore of the Saint-Lawrence River. The label shows the church's three towering pillars looming against a fiery red sky and a powerful winged steed--- the Devil in the form of a black stallion. As Unibroue tells Legend of the Black Horse, the priest of Trois-Pistoles was desperate to finish the construction of the fifth parish church. In a moment of unholy despair, he asked the Devil to help transport the heavy stones for the church's foundation. The Devil answered the priest's prayers with a magical, tireless black stallion, who worked like blazes and moved all of the stones - all but one.

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