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Samuel Adams Triple Bock 1994

Samuel Adams Triple Bock 1994 bottle by Boston Beer Company
Country USA
Bottle size 0.25 l.
Alc vol 17 %
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Comments Bought from Leskinen 20.1.96, (Price was 62 FIM !!, about 13 $).Maple syrup is added to the kettle.
They use used oak whiskey barrels for final aging (about half a year long).
Original Gravity: 40° Plato

1.171 Specific Gravity

Calories per 2 oz.: 60

Available: Year Round (tasting updates every six months)

Supplied by Bought from Leskinen 20.1.96, (Price was 62 FIM !!)
Brewery Boston Beer Company
Brewery located in Boston
Also from same brewery


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Random fact
Bourgogne des Flandres
Bourgogne is a type of wine, 'des Flandres' means 'of the Flemish, by the Flemish', so the name means 'Bourgogne like the Flemish people make it'. It's kind of a joke towards the french, who are a bit snobbish concening their wines, wheras the Belgians (Flemings are the belgians that live in the northern part of Belgium, and whose language is Dutch) have a more cheerful attitude towards life (and also brew delicious beers that can compete with the french wines) As for the question you pose, on the translation of the bottle text, it says; 'Registered brand since 1911. A beer from Brugge that has been brewn, traditionally, for seven generations, fermentation on oak casks. Medals won: John Martin Finest Beers se_lection' . John Martins beer is another nice story. I don't know if you have any bottles of this particular brand, but it is a beer that was importes in Belgium, from England, but it's original name; 'Bulldog Ale', didn't sound english enough, according to the importer, so he named it Jonh Martins special ale. So its a British beer, sold under another british name by a Belgian. (Thanks Has)

Beers from USA

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