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Christmas Beer4.75
Jouluolut IV Label 20093.50
St-Idesbald Trippel2.77
Koff Jouluolut 19972.73
Suomen Olutmestarin Schwarz-Waizen2.54
Koff Vienti AIII2.45
Louny Black Label2.41
Fingerpori Bisse2.38
Panimomestarin Nikolai Vuosiolut 20122.33
Barbarian IPA2.15
Paistinkääntäjien Luomu Olut2.11
Kesäolut Koff (drawn label) 19932.00
Original Ritterguts Gose1.94
Hartwall Pils IVA1.94
Koff Extra Strong Export1.85
Karu Arki1.82
Burgerbräu Bamberg Pils1.82
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Basic info


Zima clearmalt

Country USA
Bottle size 0.355 l.
Alc vol 0 %
Beer Style Tell us if you know! »
Beer name means Zima means WINTER in Russian, various Slavic and similar languages...
Tell us more
Comments Oh no, the Zima is here. As far as I know, should not be ranked as
beer but as neural poison. It makes strange things to people and it
tastes awful.

Although we have tried to acquire this bottle for some time, this
one was found in rather unexpected place, Restaurant Hullu Poro, Levi.
This ski resort bar (which had a band playing the ugliest mistakes of
seventies with attitude) treated people irresposibly, selling Coors
Extra Gold and Zima at low price, and all the good beer at high price!

They will burn in hell for that! :-)

Oh yes, this product has rather unusual alcohol content: "Not less that
4%, not more that 6%". By volume that is. Does that mean that they are
not sure or that their manufacturing process is so flaky that they cant
keep more constant quality? Or do they mix this stuff up of different
chemicals every time? Who know. I know only that Ill stay away from
this stuff from now on!


Supplied by
Brewery Zima Beverage co. Memphis Tennesee USA
Brewery located in Tell us if you know! »
Also from same brewery


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Ozujsko Pivo

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