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Bud light9.355l.
La Mère Noël 8.5l.
Mikkeller Green Gold7l.
Marsalkka Savu5.5l.
Tolstjak Dobroe5l.
Panimomestarin Nikolai Vuosiolut 20115l.
Lapin Kulta Tuisku4.7l.
Fake Lager4.7l.
Lervig JuleÖl4.7l.
Black Isle Organic Yellow Hammer Summer Ale4l.
Augustijn (huge one)3l.
Duvel (Huge One)3l.
Mieto mallasjuoma2l.
Sinebrychoff 1.5 l juhlapullo1.5l.
Chouffe Envol 20001.5l.
Magnum Mörk1.5l.
Magnum FatÖl1.5l.
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Basic info


Samuel Adams Boston Lager

Samuel Adams Boston Lager bottle by Boston Beer Company
Country USA
Bottle size 0.33 l.
Alc vol 4.5 %
Beer Style Lager
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Comments Beer introduced first time in 1985. Claims that its best beer in America. First American beer which pass 15th
century German Beer Purity Law. Original Gravity: 13° Plato 1.052 Specific Gravity Calories per 12 oz.: 160
Available: Year Round
Supplied by
Brewery Boston Beer Company
Brewery located in Boston
Also from same brewery

Pint glass


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Random fact
Korenwolf Wheat Beer
Korenwolf was inspired by the Belgian Wit style, but has its own twists. Its name, Korenwolf, means hamster. The notion of dubbing as a "corn wolf" an animal as small as this caged household pet is typical of the country. (Thanks Alex) Gulpener is the name of the brewery, the beer is named after a hamster-like rodent (depicted on the bottle). Tis rodent is almost extinct in the Netherlands, and therfore it's illegal to construct buildings in areas where these animals live. These little critters have made national news by stopping some companies' building plans. The Gulpener brewery where just than looking for a name for their new wheat-based beer (witbeer or white-beer, like Hoegaarden or Wieckse Witte) and like that the funny little animal got it's face on a beer bottle... (Thanks Has) Gulpener is named after Gulpen,. Gulpen is a small town in the very south of The Netherlands in the province of Limburg. (Thanks Arjen)

Beers from USA

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