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Aura III

Aura III bottle by Hartwall
Country Finland
Bottle size 0.33 l.
Alc vol 4.5 %
Beer Style Lager
Beer name means River in Turku
Tell us more
Comments Bought from local supermarket. One of best Finnish beer!

** A year later...

Is it really only a year? It feels much longer time since this beloved
friend departed from us. It all feels so... useless. Once you find a good beer,
it is taken from you. And why? So that beers that at the
level of bad non-alcoholic beers can
maintain their sales. (Which they do not, I suppose).

Well this whole thing makes me wonder. What is the status of a beer actually?
Some people enjoy good beers that, at least in my opinion, as a art form.
Take Orval and try to find all its characteristics. Take Koff Porter and youll
find something new every time. However, thinking of this, it is easy to forget that
beer is mass market consumer goods. Almost all beer is consumed by people
who do not think or care what they drink, as long as it is cold so that they
dont have to taste it. Ive heard people in fully normal mental state claim,
that beer is bad by nature! "No-one really likes beer, but its cheap and
easy to drink."

Then what is the truth? Is beer bad and some snobs just pretend they find
fine elements from this bulk product? Or is it true that most of the people
who drink beer have never tasted it? Personally I prefer latter theory, but
in democratic election I guess Id lose.

So, from now on, lets assume that beer can really be product of high
esteem, up to the level of art! With this is mind, how do these sides of beer,
product and artform relate to each other? Are there any other forms of art that
behave similiarly? The differences usually are, that the beer is not a unique
product. Beer as it is, is not any one bottle but a sum of all the bottles
of it ever manufactured. (Sum is not a correct concept here, but lets not get
into mathemathics of beer or trying to develope a formula to describe "beer"
in this sense.) Beer is not one instance, but a process! A process which
produces instances of beer, usually with variance.

This beer, as process, being greater that life, has its own life, during
which it developes, changes and ultimately disappeares. No beer is immortal,
although some have lived longer that we have, although how pleasant it
would be think that there is something good and eternal in this world.
Beers die of different reasons, usually they are not nurtured lovingly enough
and they turn bad, pale shadows of what they once were, making its friends
turn their backs on it. Some are not cared ever, being born as unwanted
children of management and marketing, which does
not mean that they could not live long, even when they do not prosper.

But some beers die at their fullest power full of love and taste. They were
wanted and loved by people, but not many enough to full the expectations of
cold economical reasons. And then, even first among equals can depart.

As such died Aura. And we miss it!

(Story by EPS)

Supplied by Bought from local supermarket.
Brewery Hartwall
Brewery located in Tornio
Also from same brewery
All Malt
Aura III
Aura IVA
Aura Juhlapullo IVB
Classic 1836 Brown Ale
Hamburger Börs
Hartwall 1836 Classic
Hartwall 1836 Classic
Hartwall Classic III (label 2000)
Hartwall Dark Lager
Hartwall Jouluolut 1997
Hartwall Juhlakalja
Hartwall Oktoberfest
Hartwall Oktoberfest
Hartwall Oktoberfest IVA
Hartwall Pils
Hartwall Pils IVA
Hartwall Porter
Hartwall Roggenbier
Hartwall Roggenbier
Hartwall Talvi olut
Jouluolut Hartwall 1997
Jouluolut Koff
Jouluolut Lapinkulta
Karjala (Label 1998)
Karjala (label 2003)
Karjala (real old version)
Karjala 1 litra
Karjala I
Karjala I Mieto Olut
Karjala Ice-hockey World Championships 2003 Special Edition
Karjala III
Karjala III
Karjala III
Karjala III, (new label)
Karjala IVA (label 1998)
Karjala Juhlaolut (itsenäisyys)
Karjala Juhlaolut 1891-1991
Karjala Strong
Karjala Strong
Karjala Terva
Karjala Weizenfest
Karjala. Hämäläinen
Karjala. Helminen
Karjala. Jutila
Karjala. Kapanen
Karjala. Keskinen
Karjala. Kiprusoft
Karjala. Koivu
Karjala. Lehterä
Karjala. Lehtinen
Karjala. Lindström
Karjala. Myllys
Karjala. Nieminen
Karjala. Niinimaa
Karjala. Nummelin
Karjala. Ojanen
Karjala. Palo
Karjala. Peltonen
Karjala. Strömberg
Karjala. Sulander
Karjala. Summanen
Karjala. Tammi
Karjala. Törmänen
Karjala. Virta
Karjala. Ylönen
Kärppä Olut
Kesäolut Lahden
Kesäolut Lahden new label 1994
Lahden Erikois IPA
Lahden Erikois Kesä
Lahden Erikois light beer
Lahden Erikois Pils 2017
Lahden Erikois Strong Beer
Lahden Erikoisolut
Lahden Erikoisolut
Lahden Erikoisolut (label: 1995)
Lahden Erikoisolut (special edition)
Lahden Erikoisolut I
Lahden Erikoisolut III
Lahden Erikoisolut IVA
Lahden Ice Beer
Lahden Talvi Olut
Lahden Talviolut
Lapin Kulta (label 1995)
Lapin Kulta (old label)
Lapin Kulta 0.5
Lapin Kulta 1l
Lapin Kulta 2007
Lapin Kulta Arctic Malt Pils
Lapin Kulta Export
Lapin Kulta Export
Lapin Kulta I Mieto Olut
Lapin Kulta III perinteinen
Lapin kulta IV
Lapin Kulta Joulu
Lapin Kulta Jouluolut
Lapin Kulta Jouluolut
Lapin Kulta Jouluolut III
Lapin Kulta Juhla
Lapin Kulta Light
Lapin Kulta Luomu JouluOlut
Lapin Kulta Luomu Jouluolut
Lapin Kulta Premium
Lapin Kulta Premium (label 2000)
Lapin Kulta Strong Export
Lapin Kulta Strong IVB
Lapin Kulta Talvi
Lapin Kulta Talvi
Lapin Kulta Tuisku
Lapin Kulta Tuisku
Lapin Kulta Tumma Jouluolut
Lapin Kulta Tumma Jouluolut
Lapinkulta Juhlaolut 130v
Legenda 6
Legenda III
Polar Monkeys White Collar Golden Ale
Sininen (New label)
Sininen III
Sininen IV A
Spalter Pils
Trio Pils I
Tuborg Gold Label de luxe (little bottle)
Tuborg Grön


Pint glass


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